Pacific Shores Produce certified organic produce.
Cultivating relationships.
Pacific Shores Produce Organic growers range in size from 10 to over 1000 acres. We grow the best organic produce available in the market, from California through areas of Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico.
Pacific Shores Produce growers uphold high standards and values to promote mutual success. Our team at Pacific Shores Produce is passionate about working with growers who are stewards of the land ensuring environmental sustainability; our farms represent the best in the industry so we strive to nurture them.
Produced according the highest organic production and handling standards in the world.
What does it mean to be "certified organic"?
Food labeled ‘organic’ must meet a set of national standards established and regulated by the US Department of Agriculture, whether grown in the US or imported to the US. Certification under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) is required to use ‘organic’ in the labeling, marketing and representation of food.
There are additional organizations that support the advancement of organic agriculture, such as California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) a nonprofit organization, of which many of our California based growers are certified members.
Our growers are certified USDA Organic and comply with the National Organic Program. We carry a wide range of Certified Organic Fruits and Vegetables year round.